Daylight and Sunlight

Herrington’s specialist Light team works on projects ranging from private builds and extensions, high rise developments and new build housing estates to conversions of basesments and offices to residential use. We work with home owners, architects, developers, retailers, local authorities, and planners. When you need help delivering your project on time with the optimal commercial outcomes whilst also meeting the required daylighting needs, our team of experts is always happy to talk you through and advice on the technical requirements needed for planning.

Designing for Light

We can assist with assessing the potential impact on natural light to neighbouring properties and the internal availability of natural light within new residential schemes, amongst other services. We have extensive experience in delivering complex technical reports for challenging projects using our expert 3D modelling capabilities. We can provide expert advice on scheme cutbacks for sensitive areas, maximum envelope studies to best utilise development sites and internal layout reconfigurations to meet minimum light standards in residential developments.

Daylight and Sunlight Assessment

Daylight and Sunlight Assessments can be used in a number of ways to improve the design of a scheme at all stages in the design process, for example scoping out development potential and identifying specific site constraints, or quantifying daylight and sunlight provision inside new dwellings.


Impact on Neighbours

In line with the recommended methodology set out within the BRE Guidelines (BR209 Third Edition 2022), the Vertical Sky Component (VSC), Daylight Distribution/ No Sky Line (NSL) and Annual Probable Sunlight Hours (APSH) tests are calculated. Our analysis is carried out using a 3D model of the existing, proposed and surrounding developments and simulations are undertaken for both the ‘existing’ and ‘proposed development, scenarios.

We can help with:

  • Maximum envelope/jelly mould studies
  • Cut backs to achieve BRE compliant schemes whilst maximising development within the site boundaries


Internal Provision of Light

In line with the recommended methodology set out within the BRE Guidelines, the Daylight Factor, Daylight Illuminance and Sunlight Exposure tests are carried out. Our analysis is carried our using a 3D model of the proposed and surrounding developments as well as closely located trees and other vegetation.



We are experts in providing advice to improve natural light to meet the recommended standards.



Overshadowing Studies

In addition to the BRE Sun on Ground test, we can provide Transient Overshadowing studies.



This study focuses on the shadows cast by new developments and are typically undertaken to assess the impact on amenity spaces such as gardens and public open spaces. The objective is to simulate the path and extent of shadows cast by new developments at hourly intervals at different times of year. The outputs are graphical rather than numerical and therefore require careful interpretation.


We can also undertake analysis to meet the BREEAM requirements for daylight provision within proposed new internal spaces such as residential dwellings, educational facilities, hotels, hospitals and student accommodation.

Up to two BREEAM credits are available for ‘Daylighting’ under Hea01. This aims to encourage good natural light is considered in building design, reducing the need to artificial light and improving visual comfort and wellbeing. 

European Standards – EN17037

The new European Standard EN 17037 is the first of its kind to deal exclusively with the design for, and provision of, daylight in buildings. This is important for the health and well-being of building users, but also helps to save energy by not relying on artificial lighting.