
New Prospects, New Challenges, New Job?

As we are keen to continue expanding our dynamic teams in the Flood Risk Management, Drainage/SuDS, & Daylight and Sunlight business sectors, we are always interested in welcoming speculative CVs from applicants.

Current vacancies

If you would like us to consider your CV for future opportunities either working in a relaxed environment near to the Kent coast and historic City of Canterbury or our office in London, please send us your speculative CV and covering letter to

Flood Risk & Coastal Management

Drainage Engineer

We are currently looking for an experienced Drainage Engineer to join our team. Working location is flexible, with a choice of our Canterbury office, London office or home working options.
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Flood Risk & Coastal Management

Flood Risk Management Analyst/Consultant

Min. 2 yrs experience required. We are looking to recruit with immediate start.
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Flood Risk & Coastal Management

Graduate Flood Risk Analyst/Engineer

We are always looking for talented and motivated graduates to join our team. Please note our next intake will be summer 2024.
Apply now

Find out what some of our graduates think about working for Herrington Consulting

Why did you apply for your position at Herrington Consulting?

Graduate Flood Risk Analyst – “This was linked to my university experiences. I completed a number of Flood Risk related projects at university and realised it would be something I would like to explore further. I actually heard about Herrington Consulting through a family friend who lives in Barham, and when I looked around the website the work that Herrington carry out sounded like what I wanted to do. I also liked the idea of working for a slightly smaller company (in terms of no. of staff) as I felt that I would have more exposure to all aspects of the company which in turn would help me understand the whole process and grow.”

Graduate Daylight/Sunlight Analyst – “I wanted to undertake a graduate scheme at a small company for a more personal and individual feel. I was intrigued about the niche specialism of Daylight and Sunlight analysis and it corresponded well to my interest in urban planning.”

Daylight/Sunlight Graduate – “I applied for my role at Herrington Consulting after a university careers event where I discovered a role I was not aware of and therefore had not considered before. The fact that the company offered a graduate scheme was a large factor in my decision, offering the chance to learn new skills, whilst putting into practice and further developing those learnt at university.”

Describe some of your daily tasks

Graduate Daylight/Sunlight Analyst – “My daily tasks include assisting the team to create 3D CAD models of developments from architect drawings. I also undertake quantitative assessments on the provision of daylight and sunlight to the new development, or their neighbours, using MBS software. Furthermore, I discuss the results of these tests with colleagues and clients, whilst writing reports to support planning applications.”

Graduate Drainage Engineer – “Daily tasks vary, from client interaction to team meetings with the director and other members of the team. A lot of time is spent on developing drainage strategies, building and analysing drainage models, work on technical drawings and report writing.”

Graduate Flood Risk Analyst – “My daily role entails writing technical documents and undertaking flood risk analysis to support planning applications. Tasks include: interrogating site-specific data to identify sources of flooding, digitisation of data through GIS applications, and analysis of modelling results to identify the actual and residual risk of flooding. As well as the technical reporting and analysis, the role requires liaison with internal team members and external teams to ensure the flood risk to the site of interest is managed in accordance with local and national planning policies.”

What part of your role do you enjoy the most?

Graduate Flood Risk Analyst – “Just the fact that every day has different challenges. It probably sounds like a cliché quote, but I can hardly think of two reports that I have worked on over the course of almost two years now which have been the same. Each job is its own and there is still so much more that I am yet to experience.”

Graduate Drainage Engineer – “The client interaction and solving drainage problems using new solutions and methods.”

What advice would you give to candidates? Anything you wish you had known before you started your role?

“The one thing that I had perhaps misunderstood when I started was that this is a predominantly desk-based job so if you want to be out on site regularly than this might not be for you. However, my advice to any candidate would be that if the graduate scheme interests you just go for it because there are so many different routes you can take within the scheme. There is far more to flood risk management than meets the eye or is shown in any report.”

“Don’t be shy everyone at Herrington consulting is super friendly and always happy to lend a helping hand if you require so.”

“Being good with computers is really important! It would be useful to brush up on your knowledge of Microsoft Word and Excel.”

What concerns did you have before starting your role and how did you overcome these?

Graduate Daylight/Sunlight Analyst – “My biggest concern was that I had no background in Daylight and Sunlight analysis or AutoCAD, however the team have been very helpful in teaching me. Making lots of notes every day is a must!”

Graduate Drainage Engineer – “I wasn’t 100% sure what my role as a drainage engineer entitled. But this was overcome as soon as I realised it was about designing and building SuDS systems.”

What do you think makes a good graduate scheme candidate?

“I would say that a good candidate should have a willingness to listen/learn, be able to think outside the box and able to construct a logical written argument. Each project is different and so it’s not just a case of learning the rules/requirements and applying them to each job, but also acknowledging other factors such as understanding the scale of a development and who will be reading the final document.”

“Somebody who is willing to learn new things and accept the fact you will make mistakes and learn from them!”

“I believe that a good graduate scheme candidate is someone who is willing to learn new skills, ask questions and be able to communicate effectively with team members and clients.”

“Hard working, not being afraid of trying new things, always trying to improve yourself and being a team worker.”