Flood Risk Management

Our Water Team specialists can assist on varying flood risk matters. We provide flood risk assessments for planning applications, feasibility studies for development potential, support strategic planning for Local Planning Authorities as part of their Local Plans and master developers for garden villages. In addition, we can assist in the preparation of Sequential Test Statements & Flood Warning and Evacuation Plans.

We have extensive experience in delivering complex technical reports for challenging projects located in areas sensitive to flooding, drawing on excellent numerical modelling capabilities and a diverse technical workforce.

Flood Risk Assessments

We provide flood risk assessments for all developments; ranging from reports to support householder or prior approval applications to large scale housing developments consisting of thousands of homes. We will appraise the risk of flooding from all sources taking due account of the impacts of climate change, utilising industry-standard software and the latest scientific data to provide the most accurate assessments possible. Where a risk is identified we will communicate any potential site constraints with regards to flood risk early on and, recommend appropriate flood mitigation measures to ensure that the flood risk can be managed.

Occasionally, our analysis may identify that there is no detailed flood information or available information is inaccurate and out of date. In such circumstances, we can expand our services to help include detailed numerical flood modelling. This can provide more flexibility in terms of scheme design and allows for different mitigation options to be tested.

The following services can either form part of our flood risk assessments or be provided as stand-alone service:


Flood Compensation Scheme

Where development is shown to have an adverse impact on the surrounding area due to floodwater displacement we can prepare a flood compensation scheme. The scheme will show how the offsite risk can be mitigated in accordance with the Environment Agency’s requirements. This can sometimes have a significant impact on the scheme design and therefore, it is imperative to consider flood compensation as early as possible.


Sequential Test Statement

A Sequential Test is typically required for sites which are shown to be at risk of flooding either now or in the future. The methodology applied for the Sequential Test can vary between Councils.

We have extensive experience in preparing Sequential Tests, having provided guidance to numerous Local Planning Authorities.


Flood Warning and Evacuation Plan

A Flood Warning and Evacuation Plan may be required if the development site is shown to be at high risk of flooding and safe access /refuge may not be achievable.

We can provide bespoke plans for sites to ensure that appropriate action is taken.

Feasibility Studies and Strategic Planning

Where mapping indicates that flood risk could be a constraint for development sites, we can undertake feasibility studies to determine the risk in more detail.  Our work will identify the key constraints to the development and clearly set out recommendations to overcome any hurdles.

Early engagement means that we can assist with maximising the potential of the site, whilst ensuring that future development will be strategically viable.

Working on garden villages has shown that flood risk forms part of a wider remit and is an integral part of the design process, helping to reduce further risk.


Pol03 is in relation to Flood Risk Management and Surface Water Management Runoff and we can assist in the preparation of reports to support BREEAM accreditation for this category.

Expert Witness Advice

In addition to representing our clients at planning appeals, hearings and public inquiries, we are also able to offer Expert Witness services in our areas of expertise.