Flood Risk

Herrington Consulting has over 15 years experience in flood risk management and by drawing on our team of specialist consultants and the support from our numerical modellers, we are able to provide high quality expert advice and appraisals of the risk of flooding from; rivers, the sea, groundwater, surface water runoff, sewers, reservoirs and other man-made sources. Our proven track record of success is founded on our expertise and the ability this brings to providing bespoke and innovative solutions.


Our Goal

Our key aim is to help our clients develop sustainable and appropriate developments, and secure planning permission, whilst at the same time providing robust advice to enable our clients to gain a better understanding of the risks associated with flooding and maximise the development potential of their site.

Our assessments are not a collection of data and mapping products that are simply downloaded from the internet. We provide expert advice and treat every project as a bespoke technical assessment. Our team of professionally qualified analysts and consultants are involved in the whole process and strive to deliver the best solution tailored for your site.


Numerical Modelling

Some Flood Risk Assessments may require more detailed analysis to quantify the type, depth and velocity of flooding at a site and to facilitate this, we employ state-of-the-art numerical modelling software to provide high resolution flood simulations for a wide range of scenarios, including:

  • 1D and 2D river flows
  • Flood propagation
  • Coastal breaches and wave overtopping
  • Rainfall runoff and surface water flows

For more information on our full range of numerical models please head to our Numerical Modelling page.